For some reason, I had not been sleeping very well the past two weeks. I figured it was from the difficult terrain along with hiking and sleeping at higher elevations. What ever it was, I slept wonderfully this past night.
Waking up in a good mood, I packed up quickly and hit the trail. Hiking ahead of the group for most of the day, I mainly saw Skinny Thor whenever I or he took a break.
Being in a good rhythm helps pass some of the less interesting miles. Not that today was lacking in interesting miles. It is easy to forget to look up and appreciate where I am and what I'm doing. Today I made sure I didn't take any of it for granted.
Toward the end of the day, I found a really nice campsite that had a great view of the sunset and had water nearby without any mosquitoes. The rest of the group decided to hike 1.5 miles ahead because it was relatively early in the evening still. I would later find out they had major mosquito issues. It is getting to the time of year where those little buggers will be more and more of a mental challenge to deal with.
Having the campsite to myself, I watched the sunset, read a little then fell asleep early. I had a fun idea of waking up early and going for 25 miles tomorrow. That will be the longest day so far. We'll see.