Long's Peak - My Second Ascent
September 1, 2017
Distance: 14.0 Miles | Duration: 8.8 Hours | Ascent: 4870 ft
Fire on the Horizon
There was a lot less apprension before this ascent of Longs Peak. Mostly because I knew what the hell I was doing and had a solid game plan. Good Times.
Long's Peak - My First Ascent
September 1, 2017
Distance: 13.9 Miles | Duration: 15.3 Hours | Ascent: 4705 ft
Looking at Long's Peak from across the valley; Standing on top of Twin Sister's a couple day's before our attempt.
At 1:30am Christopher, Dad and I start, with our headlamps on up the Long's Peak Trail toward the Boulder Field and Keyhole. The clouds were dense on the ascent causing some of the rocks to be slick. At 9:06am, with the clouds clearing, we reach the summit of Long's Peak. We enjoy ourselves for a bit, then start the long trek back to the car.