I was awake and up by 5:30. I thought it would be fun to get up really early to watch the sunrise on top of Mt Baden Powell, but decided sleep was more important. I was the first one up and out of camp. The climb up Baden Powell wasn't too difficult. It did turn into a bit of a scramble for the last mile or so. Lots of icy snow blocked the trail. I was the first one to the summit trail, so I waited 10 minutes or so for a few others to arrive. It was a perfect opportunity to eat some breakfast. The summit was both windy and cold... A brutal combination. Back at the bottom of the summit trail, I relaxed and ate second breakfast. I would eat nonstop during climbs if I had enough food.
The summit pictures speak for themselves.
The next 10 miles were windy! About 2 miles prior to the next water source, I ran out of water. I was a little dehydrated when I arrived, so, that was the first thing I took care of. There were a lot of people eating lunch there which made for a fun atmosphere.
The last part of today's hike was Mt. Williamson which was another +1800 feet in elevation. Coming down the back side of it, my legs were tired and I was ready to stop for the day.
Arrived at Eagle Roost (a large picnic area) shortly before ST. Sauna was there, a friend of Alex's, and she gave us some apricots and Oreos.
I forgot to take off my sweaty shirt until after dinner, which meant I was really cold just before bed. Might have been the coldest I'd been this trip so far. Won't make that mistake again.
Too cold, only took a picture of dinner. Instant potatoes with ramen.