Last night my legs were tired and in pain (felt just like growing pains. Didn't get up too early as I only need to go 8 miles today.
A lot of people were still in their tents when I left. It was pretty cold last night being in the river valley. So I understand why. As I was leaving though, a breeze moved down the valley and was easily 10 degrees warmer.
A few miles in I catch George. He left barrel springs a bit before me, but had to stop to shed clothes. It warmed up very fast today. I keep moving to try and beat the midday heat. Not 10 minutes later I see my first snake of this adventure. It's just a baby Gardner snake.
Most of the day I am trying to move at my normal pace, but my legs aren't having it. Decide to just take it very easy and enjoy the amazing views. About 3 miles prior to Warner Springs, Eagle Rock stands in a small cluster of boulders I'm the middle of a large meadow.
The last few miles are along a small stream and is layered with beautiful oak trees.
Arrive in Warner Springs and couldn't have been happier. First thing is to buy some food. Pudding, ramen (was in the hiker box) and some broccoli casserole. Inhale the pudding and same ramen and casserole for later. Decide laundry and a shower should be at the top of my list. Hikers get a bucket with a small amount of laundry soap. After laundry we use the bucket for the shower. Hot Water!!! Top 5 showers of my life.
Hang with Gwen (met last night), George and Dan for the afternoon. The school across the street is serving dinner for $10 around 5, so we chat and take care of small chores. Gwen is an Aussie.
Update this blog and make phone calls home. First time I've had cell service since day 2. It's good to hear everyone's voice.
Dinner was Lasagna, garlic bread, salad, Arizona drink and a Carmel fudge desert.
Head back to camp so see it has filled up. Hang with everyone till it gets dark and cooler, then it was off to bed for me.