It was surprisingly warm last night. I thought the canyon would be cold, but I guess the massive drop in elevation compared to the previous couple nights was enough to keep the temperature reasonable. Only had a liter and a half of water, so I pushed the 5 miles to the next source before it got too warm out. At the water source, I met up with Ninja Mike and Brandon. They had camped there the night before. I had met Ninja Mike a couple days ago just in passing on the trail. Told him my trail name and he said, "Sunshine is much easier to remember than Kevin." We took turns filling up our water filters and they headed off while I was finishing up. I decided I needed to take some time and stretch out the legs.
One thing I am working on is making sure I take enough breaks and to make them long enough to let my legs get a good rest. It's just something I didn't practice this last winter in Colorado. Mainly because I always had a home to go too, I could take a couple days off and it's too cold in the winter to stop for any length of time. Depart the water source around 10:30. The next few miles are some of the most beautiful so far. It's the desert so the depth/scope doesn't really come through in the pictures, but it was breathtaking.
At around 10 miles for the day I stopped for lunch (1:00pm). Hang out and rest the legs till about 3:15 pm. It's nice to wait out some of the heat.
The next 4 miles weren't that interesting. It became very clear I was in the desert now. Dry, dusty and hot with a lot of cacti.
Reach Scissors Crossing (where the highways meet to for scissors I guess) around 5:00pm and meet James. He's in his early 20's and is hiking with a buddy who is lagging behind a little. He also is in the situation of being the best man in his brothers wedding in early Sept. so he hustling along.
We hang for the afternoon and I make some lasagna for dinner. Two Tone (Morgan) and Eric show up a little later and we all goof off for a bit. Once again I forget to take pictures while its light out (usually do that for campsites).
(Sissors Crossing) I end up night hiking 2 miles up the next incline to a cool campsite with James and his buddy George. I will try to remember to take a picture in the morning. The moon was bright enough we didn't need to use our headlamps. I used mine toward the end because my legs were tired and I started stumbling over rocks. I have 5 liters of water also. Too much weight!